Monday, December 20, 2010


So Will is my neighbor and one of my daughter's besties.  He is wonderful, adorable, sweet, charming...but above all, CRAZY rambunctious!  I swear he just runs in circles and tackles my daughter (lovingly of course) whenever I see him!  And we love him for it :)  But somehow, by the grace of God and the stars aligning, Will was the absolute perfect model for our little photo session.  I'm telling you... he POSED.  Did whatever I asked him to do (including leaning back on the column and crossing his arms with one knee bent...see below).  Smiled for each photo without the silly fake toddler cheese.  Everyone was astounded, it was a beautiful moment. 

What a honey.  I wouldn't mind at all if he was my future son-in-law ;) 

Thank you Sarah and Patrick for letting me capture this handsome little man on camera you guys, I had so much fun!

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